What is Verdygo?
Water boards are facing a number of challenges. To become future proof, they need to take on a more sustainable approach and improve the quality of treated water while lowering costs. In designing the sewage treatment plant of the future, letting go of the conventional plant was the key. Verdygo is a design and construction technique that leads to a modular, sustainable sewage treatment plant with an above ground setup.

About Verdygo BV
Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg (Water Board Limburg) is Verdygo’s founding mother. To pursue knowledge exploration and knowledge exchange, the subsidiary Verdygo BV was established.
Verdygo BV provides engineering services and can guide you through the entire process of designing and building your own modular wastewater treatment installation: from preparation and engineering to commissioning, training and operations.

How can we help you?
What is the challenge in wastewater treatment that your organization faces? We’d be happy to start the conversation about your specific situation. Verdygo is not a “one size fits all” product, but a way of thinking that will lead to a made to measure solution. After we got a clear view of the scope, we can help you with your business case and support you during the complete process of implementation.

Verdygo B.V.
Maria Theresialaan 99
6043 CX Roermond
The Netherlands